
Webologist a personal blog about my experiences with the Internet. I started pretty late on the web and what little I have learnt was through necessity with my work. This blog actually started its life when I started building websites on my own server and was frustrated at myself for constantly forgetting how I did things. So I started logging everything here. Well, I think here was actually on Blogger originally – that was in 2006. My brain struggles to go back that far.

I have blogged about a wide range of topics, from news on the leading Internet companies, the effect of the global economic downturn on web business, information on web design and website administration, fun stories from around the web, advice on search engine optimisation, software and new technologies.

More info if you are interested / at a loose end

I am relatively new to the internet business. I started playing about with Websites as a hobby in 2006; I am from a non-IT background – Geography BSc and over 10 years experience in the banking and asset management industry.

In 2006 I decided to look into web design, and started building some simple HTML websites (tables!). In doing so I was forced to learn about Apache web servers, web marketing and search engine optimisation, database management, as well as CSS/HTML web design. I admit that I still so much to learn, and am really just a novice in this industry. I mostly a blog about things that interest me but I initially fail to understand; by the time I have researched it I like to put it in my own words to better understand it and remember it – old uni habits die hard.

In 2009 I was forced out of banking (global economic meltdown!) and decided to become a full time “working on the web” person. Whatever that is. Commute is shorter, but no staff canteen.

Jump to 2019 – I am now working as an in-house SEO guy for a nationwide retailer. How did that happen?

6 Comments on “About”

  1. Well, the banking sector has collapsed, at least for me. I am finally out, my last day working in banking was yesterday. Friday 24th July, 2009. The future is bright, the future is the Internet!

  2. It has been almost 2 years since I left the City for a new life. It has been a roller coaster ride though. Overall things are going OK. Just about. A major mishap in October 2010 saw my main site go tits up, but I managed to fix that (some dodgy 302 redirects got me in trouble with Google, I missed the memo about not using 302!).

    April 2011 saw the infamous Google Panda update come and give me a slap. Things are improving, lots of ups and downs.

    Overal I am still making enough to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. Just hoping for a warm winter. 🙂

  3. Almost 2 years now. Google has been kind, it’s Panda has been somewhat annoying, but overall things are OK.

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